Wednesday, October 26, 2005

busy busy busy

Damn what a month, so much been goin on. Work has increased, so I'm spending more time there. It almost feels like I should have a ved a T.V set up out back. Hopefully they will be hiring more staff so I won't have to work so many hours.

I'm also no longer single. Met a girl 2 months ago and well things have been progressing nicely. Ands she's cute too ~LOL~

So other than working, spending time with "the lil lady" (she'l get me back for saying that i'm sure) and preparing for halloween..........I've been busy as hell

P.S...Matty, matty, matty.......did you even know where you were last Weds? Do you even remember seeing me?? My god, I've seen pickled...but you were more pickled than...well pickles ~LOL~