Monday, June 27, 2005

All this time on my hands

Ah vacation....was there ever a sweeter sounding word? I'm on day 3 of my 9 days off. A Little purple around the shoulders...(note to self: wear sunblock next time you blade for hours)but the aloe after sun is soothing. Bladed so much on saturday I busted one of my wheels, good thing ctire has a sports section ~LOL~.........hmmmm just called them, they don't carry just the wheels...dammit. Time to call source for sports. I need to get back on them....source for sports don't carry them either...WTF!!!! I need my stinking wheels!!! Well after 3 referals I find my replacement wheels at sport chek....Guess I'll be picking them up tomorrow. Damn this is gonna be a fun week.. Have my tickets for the concerts...btw if anyone wants to go see Kalen Porter, let me know...we have about 4 tickets here for him and NO ONE will be using them ~LOL~.
Ahhh well this is a day off and it's too nice to be inside...time to roam the streets and get a little sun.....after I put on some sunblock that is

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

4 more days and W.T.F.

Damn just 4 more days til vacation. Bought my tickets for the concerts, oiled up the roller blades. Just need a little sun to tan this white body of mine....God I hope its nice next week. It would completely suck if it rained all week.

On betty's blog, she mentioned a thought about kids. There is another side she should have mentioned. A friend of mine was married with 2 kids. He had them here with him til last week. She flew down from edmonton wanting to take them back with her. He let her since, well, she IS still their mother. Now I get woken up last night at around 2 thirtish, cus her new boyfriend decides to call the father. I grab my cigs and go out to the living room since I'm already up. I listen to him actually handle himself quite well on the phone with this guy. Then I hear him loose it. The guy tells him he won't get to see his kids and he is now their father.
Like what the fuck? Is this guy such a winner he calls people across the country, just to cause shit?? At this point I tell him to hang up. What does this guy do? He starts threatening me (these new cell phones can be quite loud, especially at 3 am, when background noise is minimal.) Now I know both the mother and father in this. I have tried to stay out it, since most divorces are never friendly. When she was down in the winter, I hung out with her. Now that he's back I hang out with him. So in truth I WAS friends with both......BUT, if she can't control her new man, wanting me to go up there so he could "fuck me over too"...well that crosses the line..

All I can say, hope the fucker makes enough for a good lawyer....I worked in politics long enough to know a few. I think if I cut my drinking in 1/2 (sorry morgan, we had some good times), I can help him out on getting his kids back

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I just finished my usual routine of surfing blogs, checking mail, and finishing with reading the news. The LCC here has put a min cap on beer and shot prices!!!!!
My days of 2 dollar rum and cokes at breakers is over!!!!.......Dear god, how am I supposed to survive the summer. Thank god for that raise. ~LOL~

Day off? what the fuck is that???

Well for the second week now, I officailly didn't get a day off. If I was on wage that would rock.....but salary is another thimg. Last Saturday was my first day off. 9 am the phone rings asking if I could cover a shift. So in I go, thinking, well I'll have Tuesday off at least.......This morning I was catching up on emails...low and behold....the phone rang......I literally sat there holding the phone, staring at it......finally I answer....mainly so the phone would stop ringing......Needless to say, I just got home from work.
Its a good thing I love my job.

On a high note, I got called into the head office today. They were wanted to tell me how good of a job I was doing and because i was preforming so well, I got a raise. EFFECTIVE THIS CHECK!!!!!!
more money for rum...yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2005

back from the dead..sorta

Damn what a week. Work was hell (I never knew there were that many money hungry and stupid people in the world). All week I listened to people who abused their car, then complained to me that the part we installed was faulty...Example one person's alignment was out so bad, you could see the tires pointing out in angles.......and he was complaining the tires we sold him wore out?????? Fuck sakes. That and having to listen to another person, not even in my department, tell me how to do my job.....while he uses the portable phone to call his girlfriend....Let's just say I could really use a drink.

Then to top it all off, I had a bitch of a time triin to log onto my blog. It kept showing my handle but no blog....luckily I got that figured out.

One thing I've noticed is this resurgance of people talking online vs meeting offline. Personally I could care less who knows me. Only thing I ask is that people who do know me don't post my real name. I'm quite content to answer to Sourisboy: in here ot out there. Between the forum meet and greets and where I work, I know most of the poeple I talk to online....that or they know me. The way I look at it, I'll talk online with the ones who don't want me to know them and drink beer with the ones who do.