Thursday, November 17, 2005


you ever have that dream where your at work, start daydreaming that your at work. Then wake up to find your at work?...If so welcome to my life.
We recently had one of our staff quit. All the rest had "important" (ya right and pigs fn fly) why they could not cover these shifts. So management looks to me. Needless to say, yesterday i worked a double. Today (with the exception of 3 hours which I am on now so I can wash my uniforms...yesterday was "supposed" to be laundry day)double shift...and tomorrow? yep you guessed it another double. I think I'm gonna go into hiding on saturday. Next weeks sched has to be rewritten because of this. I wish I could be like the other staff but I keep looking at it as "well someone has to be there, someone has to watch over the garage", guess thats why they keep turning to me. They know I will not abondon them.

Things are still going good with the girlfriend. Luckily she understands I'm working long hours. Every now and again she drops by work with a choc milkshake for me (hint hint if your reading this).

Well laundry is almost done, time to get redressed and get back to work