Monday, April 18, 2005

For those wondering where I have been....

Couple weeks ago I bought myself one of those new slim PS2's.

Then I bought GTA San Andreas.......damn what a ell thought out and huge game. I played vice city when it came out for the pc and thought it was amazing. This one blows vice right out of the water.

So now on my nights off, I find myself contemplating either playing this game (which I got 2 weeks ago and still am only 20% through) or hitting the bars......lately the bars have been loosing

Tuesday, April 05, 2005 as necessary

It just feels like i got home from work and here I am getting ready to go back...It's a good thing I love my job or I'ld be feeling run down ~LOL~

I have finally made my opinion on my new boss; I like him. He has a similar attitude as the rest of us. We like to joke around but we also know when to be professional. Gonna miss our current boss, we were just getting used to him.

Its been an interesting week. Learned/remembered a few things I had forgotten/never knew. Learned you car is never safe, regardless where you park. Remembered as good as 30 schooner and pizza taste, the hangover the next day really sucks. Learned that with Myron's closed, breakers is gonna be packed on saturday nights. Remembered that a beer drunk doesn't really hit me til I get to where I'm going.

Well getting close to that time to go and start another work day