Tuesday, June 21, 2005

4 more days and W.T.F.

Damn just 4 more days til vacation. Bought my tickets for the concerts, oiled up the roller blades. Just need a little sun to tan this white body of mine....God I hope its nice next week. It would completely suck if it rained all week.

On betty's blog, she mentioned a thought about kids. There is another side she should have mentioned. A friend of mine was married with 2 kids. He had them here with him til last week. She flew down from edmonton wanting to take them back with her. He let her since, well, she IS still their mother. Now I get woken up last night at around 2 thirtish, cus her new boyfriend decides to call the father. I grab my cigs and go out to the living room since I'm already up. I listen to him actually handle himself quite well on the phone with this guy. Then I hear him loose it. The guy tells him he won't get to see his kids and he is now their father.
Like what the fuck? Is this guy such a winner he calls people across the country, just to cause shit?? At this point I tell him to hang up. What does this guy do? He starts threatening me (these new cell phones can be quite loud, especially at 3 am, when background noise is minimal.) Now I know both the mother and father in this. I have tried to stay out it, since most divorces are never friendly. When she was down in the winter, I hung out with her. Now that he's back I hang out with him. So in truth I WAS friends with both......BUT, if she can't control her new man, wanting me to go up there so he could "fuck me over too"...well that crosses the line..

All I can say, hope the fucker makes enough for a good lawyer....I worked in politics long enough to know a few. I think if I cut my drinking in 1/2 (sorry morgan, we had some good times), I can help him out on getting his kids back


Blogger sourisboy said...

ok real father here,
mother edmonton with other guy
real father wants to be part of thier lives
new boyfriend told him fuck you

3:19 p.m., June 22, 2005  
Blogger Riki said...

If I was the father (lord knows I never will be..*L*) I'd be telling new boyfriend to kiss my ass... geez... no matter what that dude has to say, those kids will never be his... you can only have one biological father... and if he wants to be a good father too his kids, I commend him.. cuz there are so many guys these days who turn their backs on their kids...
BTW, Souris.. just a question.. is this father a really cute dark haired guy who's family lives on Grafton, by any chance??

3:44 p.m., June 22, 2005  
Blogger sourisboy said...

nope he's from the east

11:37 p.m., June 22, 2005  
Blogger sourisboy said...

new development as well. not overly certain how, but she found a way to get into his account amd drained it. He called her and she said the kids needed stuff??? What was she buying then...a car??

9:26 a.m., June 23, 2005  
Blogger Terry aka Funky said...

Concerning the new development if she got access tohis bank account without his authorization then she just commited major theft and can be charged with it and I am quite sure if he pushed it enough said fuck ass father wanna be and biological mamma would be slapped quite heavily for this one. If pushed hard enough - he could have full custody of his kidlets and mamma out west would be paying dearly for this one !

2:56 p.m., June 23, 2005  

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